Tuesday, May 15, 2007

As My Grandpappy Always Used To Say...

"Half of a FO is better than no FO at all!"

Disclaimer: This is not actually something either of my grandfathers ever said to me, or to anyone else as far as I know. I just thought using "grandpappy" would be better than using Mr. T, who would have said, "I pity the FO!"

Disclaimer Number 2: I wouldn't have been able to use any real sayings from my Grandpa Higgins anyway, as his commentary would not have been appropriate to the family-friendly content of this blog. Man, I wish I'd had the chance to meet him.


  1. Brooke Tyler Higgins!!! Shame on you! That kind of language would have been too dirty even for SOAP to wash it out of your mouth! (Language aside, I wish you had met him, too.) Love & Hugs -- Mom

  2. Heh- you got in trouble! Eeehhheheeheehe. And half an FO is even better when you start the other FO (but if you are anything like me that cast on gets done than you feel all proud and forget about it for three weeks and then start up another pair of socks (ironically for my mom) that turn out to be too small so you have to frog them just inches from the toe and then you see the original pair and think... oh I should get back on that). Have you seen the new interweave? I've already done my swatches for the Origami cardigan but I have to go down a needle size :( and swatch again. I'm doing mine in a green. Is there a prize for longest comment ever? Is it a shiny prize? Like some sort of glaze?

    And yes- I like the sock so- such pretty colours.
