Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So What'd You Get?

Kimmie, my mom and I spent most of Sunday at the Great Lakes Sheep and Fiber Festival, in case you didn't already know. We had an excellent time meeting fiber folks, seeing fibery goodness, and finding fantastic deals on our favorite items.

Mom fell in love with a bunny,

some alpacas laid down on the job,

the goats were adorable,

and we saw the happiest sheep on earth.

My first purchase was this awesome bag from the ladies at RoseSpring Farm in Pennsylvania. I fell in love with it immediately, and I think it will be a great summer/project bag.

Kimmie and I both took advantage of this awesome deal. FIVE DOLLARS for a three pound bag of wool yarn (ie: all the yarn in this picture) au naturel. We're going to save these for a dyeing party some time this summer. I'm very excited to try dyeing yarn for the first time.

I wasn't able to put this cobweb lace yarn down after I picked it up. The colors drew me to begin with, and the softness of it won me over. There are 2400 yards in this ball. The yarn is called Graceful and it comes from The Yarn Place in Sunnyvale, CA, by way of Noah's Landing in Shreve, Ohio.

These polymer craft buttons from Yarnsmith's in Springfield, OH, amused me to no end.

And lastly, what you've all been waiting for, also from Yarnsmith's...

My only sock yarn purchase of the weekend. A 50% cashmere, 50% silk blend sock yarn unlike anything else in my stash. I can't wait to work with it.

I got a couple other little things over the weekend, but I want you to know that despite finding the yarn shop in Amish Country, I still only bought the one skein of sock yarn. Thanks again to my mom for her hospitality and to Kimmie for braving Wooster for the event of the season one more time.


  1. Thanks for taking me with you! I had an awesome time and hope to update my blog soon to tell my side of the story!

  2. I am so jealous!! $5 for one whole pound of wool?! And that lace yarn - fabulous. "Stupid family Memorial Day weekend cookouts", she mutters.

  3. Yummm look at all the yarnie goodness. Sounds like you had a great time for sure.

  4. Does that mean your mom is the proud new owner of a super-cute rabbit? Wow!
