Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August Socks

I just can't stop!

Look ma, I posted my socks!

Pattern: Small Capitals from Sensational Knitted Socks
Yarn: Trekking XXL 146
Lantern Moon rosewood size US2 Sox Stix, set of 5

This pattern was different because it is a toe-up pattern with a heel flap and gusset. All the other toe-up patterns I've done have had short row heels, so this was a new experience for me. Although I did miss getting to do the kitchener stitch, it was a fun pattern to knit. And these ones are for me!

I finished them on August 26, with five days to spare.


Remember the yarn market? Screaming Wendy? Guilt? Birthday Lisa? I did benefit from it:

Same skein, just flipped over. I love it. It looks just like a rainforest to me. I can't wait to knit it up. I need a good jungle pattern for it.


  1. Posted your socks! Hahaha - that was a real knee slapper!!

    Love the new yarn!

  2. Posted your socks...snort! Cool pattern and color!

  3. You did it! You did it! You clever little girl. And how gorgeous can a pair of socks get! Those are beautiful!

  4. Lovely socks!

    Yumm fleece artist. Did she get it from Ball and Skein?

  5. *ggg* Posted your socks!

    That particular pattern has always intrigued me. Yours look great!
