Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why It's Always Worth It To Knit For Babies, Take 2*

As promised, my new niece Hallie wore her new Elizabeth Zimmerman February Baby Sweater and Saartje's booties (pdf) home from the hospital.

I think she liked it. (Please note: I am not showing you the pictures of her wearing the sweater and screaming. I'm fairly sure she was screaming about something other than the sweater, but just to be safe, I'm not going to show those to you.)

And, just because I'm sure you'll love this picture as much as I do, here's some adorable baby bottom.

*If you are wondering why this post is Take 2,
click here for Take 1.


  1. Those are beautiful (the baby and the knits!) What yarn did you use?

  2. She is ADORABLE! Your knitting will be treasured! Enjoy both.

  3. the knitting IS treasured! we love it...i always have the best dressed babies and children. :)

    i think i have a few more where she isn't screaming - i'll try to get them on flickr for you. oh, and she's screaming in that last picture too, and it's obviously not about the sweater there. :) i like the waffle print on her bum in that one.

  4. Awwwwwww.... what a beautiful baby. And sweater and booties. And baby bottom. I love little baby backsides!

  5. Beautifully done all! Babymakers and sweatermakers alike!

  6. Awww... I love baby bottom! Congrats, Auntie Brooke! :)

  7. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Congratulations on baby niece Hallie! Isn't she beautiful? And the knit set is gorgeous, a wonderful color for such a young'un. You are a true original! Congratulations again!

  8. Awww she is so freakin cute the sweater came out great love the matching booties

  9. Maybe she hates the color and it made her cry. You don't know. But probably not. Just wanted to point out that it was a possibility. Congrats!

  10. Beautiful baby and beautiful sweater too:)

  11. Hi, it's me again. I wish you would blog more often... it makes me feel closer to you.

    Your forgotten friend,
    Kara Sanders

  12. Brooklyn,

    congrats on being an aunt 3 times over. Maybe your neice was going for a monochromatic look and trying to get her face to match the sweater?


