Tuesday, June 1, 2010


For the last four years, I've traveled with friends to Wooster over Memorial Day weekend for the Great Lakes Sheep & Fiber Festival. This year was no different. There were alpacas and bunnies and more sheep than you could possibly count. I got some sock yarn and some more sock yarn and a sock book and a pretty good deal on some pretty blue linen yarn. We didn't get to dye yarn on Monday because it rained all morning and we opted to stay in and relax instead.


The COMPLETE HIGHLIGHT of the WHOLE WEEKEND was the AMAZING GRADUATION PARTY I attended on Sunday night!!!!!!!

First of all, here is one of my FAVORITE FAMILIES in the WHOLE UNIVERSE:

(l to r: Tracey, Cydney, Brian & Garret)

Last year, Garret carefully arranged his graduation party for Memorial Day weekend, just so that I could attend! How thoughtful! This year, Cydney did the same. What a family! Tracey and I are already trying to figure out how we can get together again next Memorial Day...

Here I am with the happy graduate... She promised that someday when I grow up I can be as cute as she is.

And here I am with the proud Momma... one of my bestest friends in the whole universe. Congratulations, Tracey... I LOVE YOU!!!


  1. Karwn2:00 AM

    I wouldn't mind being cute as an alpaca!

  2. Or being able to spell! My name has never been Karwn.

  3. Wow Brooke...you really did it! How fun. It was so amazing to see you. We just love you so much! Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy fiber shopping to spend some time with us! You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((((((((Hugs))))))))

  4. Brooke, I was just blog surfing and came upon your blog. Am commenting because I am a Higgins. I grew up in the Snohomish area which is very close to Everett. My family is originally from Kansas. Just wondering if there may be a connection somewhere.
    I also love to knit:)
