Dear Brenda,
Please tell me you watched the new show on the Sci Fi Channel: "Who Wants To Be a Superhero?" You had to be watching... I could almost hear you cackling along with me.
At first I thought that some of the gentlemen contestants on the show were nice to look at. Then I realized their purpose in being there, and I remembered how incredibly nerdy they must all be. Shortly after, I realized how serious everyone was actually taking this whole idea. So I stopped appreciating the view and just continued the cackling.
Come on... Monkey Woman has bananas in her belt! You, of course, could be her if you didn't have a supermonkeybun in your supermonkeyoven. You'd be way better at being her, though, even though she made my night by changing into her superhero costume while in a tree.
Stan Lee cracks me right the heck up. Why is he telecommuting all the time? He must be afraid he might anger one of the super heroes to the point where he's concerned for his physical safety. I also can't tell if he's taking this seriously or if he's just yanking all of the hopefuls on their curiously cracked chains.
Fat Momma's objective is surely appreciated. She may want to use something other than donuts to supply her superpowers, however, as the ones she had wouldn't stay attached to her belt as she ran to complete her task.
Major Victory is definitely one of my favorites, even though he qualifies more as a "weiner" than a "winner". Feedback could be a favorite, too, if he gets his act together.
This show is definitely going to be a top one for me this summer, if for no other reason than to give me an excuse to cackle for an hour every Thursday night. I'm eager to see what other tasks these crazies are forced to do. Please tell me you've been watching... if you haven't, you must start next Thursday!
a.k.a. Drunken Monkey