Thanksgiving Advice

Hi. My name is Knit Knack, and I have some Thanksgiving advice for you.

First, if there's a break in the rain,
you should go outside and play in the leaves.
Don't forget your hat. It's cold out.
Next, if they're looking for a bird to put in the oven, quick!
Go hide in a tree!
Always shake your tailfeathers.
After dinner, make sure you try a little of each kind of pie.
(It's the polite thing to do.)

And most importantly, make sure you tell your friends and family how thankful you are for them! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Love you all!
I logged on here just to see what you made Knit Knack for Thanksgiving! You did not dissappoint! What a great use of that eyelash yarn!
Sam really likes the turkey outfit too. He was looking over my shoulder when I visited your page. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
Knit Knack looks so very very cute and I love his advice about the pie ;)
Knit Knack rocks! He's such a little turkey...har, har.
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Who wouldn't, with all those lovely pies?
Oh Knit Knack you've done it again!
I can't belive it! Every month is better! I love the tailfeathers!
Absolutely too cute! I love that little turtle dude!
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