Drunkey Monkey
"Smashed Monkey" is a constant source of laughter, but if you want to add me as a friend on Ravelry, I've signed up as
It rhymes, see? And also makes me giggle a little.
I've browsed a little, but I'm still cynical. I'll give you my review and synopsis once I've had the chance to play a little more.
-----The new sock yarn is Cherry Tree Hill in the "Quick, My Eyes Are Burning" colorway. (Yep, it really is that bright.) Do you see how far I haven't gotten? That, my friends, is restraint. This sock-in-progress and its companion ball of yarn sits on my little TV tray in front of my chair, taunting me as I work on projects I'm supposed to be working on. I've only done the ribbing and two pattern repeats. It calls to me. You know, like the cursed Aztech gold calls to the pirates. Yeah. Like that.
In other news, look! Stockinette! Stockinette with a Purpose! A profound purpose! A purposeful purpose! (Someone stop me, please?) I'm almost finished with the first piece (the back) of Sir Calvin's birthday sweater. I'm being diligent.And the second October sock has a finished cuff. (The sun has succeeded in completely washing out the deep shade of teal in this yarn.) Actually, since this picture was taken, the second October sock now has a few rows of a heel flap, as well. (Let's not discuss deadlines, okay?)
Lastly, and possibly most importantly, tomorrow I start my first full time (ie: 40 hours a week) job in almost 17 months. It's through the temp agency, but from what I've heard, this is a company that usually keeps its temps long term. I don't have much else to say about it just yet, but I wanted to thank all of you for your support over the past year and a half through comments and emails and friendship. I'm hoping that life beyond the knitblog starts to turn around here real soon.
Thanks again.
I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. -Douglas Adams
Looks like you've been busy! The new sock is going to be great - don't mind all those little nagging thoughts telling you to work on your other socks. :D
I'm loving the October sock - that yarn is calling my name!
I'm off to find you in Ravelry...
I really like the "Quick, My Eyes Are Burning" colorway... do you have to wear sunglasses to be knitting?
I feel ya on that design though. I happen to be working on the same one right at the moment and I don't want to put it down ;)
Yay! I hope your job works out. You'll have to tell me all about it! And I LOVE Drunkey Monkey!
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