By Jove
I think I've got it. Look:It fits! As I told you before, I added an extra 8 stitches to the cast on (which averages out to two stitches per needle, and one extra stitch between all the kfbs and dds). I kept the same needle size (US1) because I really like the result of the tight knit. I think this time it's gonna work. Now let's watch Brooke run out of yarn at the end of the second sock.
Oh yeah, I have to start the second sock to finish it! And I have to finish the first sock before I start the second one! It'll never happen.
I think when I make Anthony's socks, I'm going to make them toe-up, and I'm going to try the two socks on two circular needles technique. Watch out! She's crazy!
Here's the coolest part of socks, though: Picking up gusset stitches. Ever since I started using REAL sock patterns where they have you slip the first stitch of every row of the heel flap, this has been my favorite part (other than the actual finishing). Check it out.The outside view.
The inside view.
I'm still thinking about the yarn diet thing and the projects that need to be finished or started or whatever before I'm allowed to buy more yarn. I liked some of Joy's suggestions, but I'm starting to remember that when I force myself to stick to a list, I'm more likely to want to start things that aren't on the list, or buy yarn that has no purpose other than to look pretty.
So I think for now I'll just say I'm on a yarn diet for an as-yet-determined time period, with two exceptions: yarn for Mags' b-day sweater, and I'll give myself a small budget at the Great Lakes Fiber thingie at the end of May. I'll probably try to stick to the diet until October, but we'll see how things go. I have so many things started and unfinished; I need to sort some of that out.
I'm still taking comments about it if you have any.
I made my Olympic socks (Elfine's pattern from Anna Bell) in that colorway from BMFA and I love it...but I love it even more after seeing your socks! :) Very nice!
You are a genius! The sock looks great and the gusset is perfect. I can never get my gussets to look that good. Probably because I am impatient and watching TV while I pick up the stitches. . .
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